Fri, 28 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Why is laughter such good medicine? Tune in today to hear more about a recent conversation we had with comedian Michael Jr. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: The Sound the Father Loves with Michael Jr. Topic: Best of TPS |
Thu, 27 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio We recently had a conversation with comedian, Michael Jr. Tune in today to hear more about the message of hope he is sharing with the nation. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: The Sound the Father Loves with Michael Jr. Topic: Best of TPS |
Wed, 26 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio We're discussing the importance of the rule of law today on the program. How has the media reported on this over the years and in recent weeks? Tune in today to hear more. Topic: Role of Government |
Tue, 25 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio There has already been 86 million dollars wasted on the 2016 Presidential election. Why do we say "wasted"? Tune in today to hear more. Topic: Elections |
Mon, 24 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Can the President break the law? That's the question we're asking today on The Public Square®. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Why do Presidents Lie? Topic: Deep Questions |
Fri, 21 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Earlier this week we talked about how the President invited discussion and alternative ideas on the issue of health care. We had a chance to talk with Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn recently about their attempts to talk with the President about these ideas. Tune in today to hear more of this story. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Why do Presidents Lie? Topic: Health Care Issues in America |
Thu, 20 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio 86 million dollars has already been spent on the 2016 Presidential election. Why is the presidential race a huge distraction in 2014? Tune in today to hear more. Topic: Elections |
Wed, 19 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio What happens when a President, a Governor, or any other office holders break the law? That's the question we're asking today on The Public Square®. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Why do Presidents Lie? Topic: Deep Questions |
Tue, 18 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Why do Presidents lie and why does the media let them get away with it? Nixon lied. Clinton lied. LBJ lied...and so on the story goes. Is the current President lying about health care? Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Why do Presidents Lie? Topic: Health Care Issues in America |
Mon, 17 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio What did New York Governor Cuomo recently say about people who disagree with him on a few key issues? Tune in today to hear more about his remarks. Topic: Politics |
Fri, 14 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio What are some of the recent films in the last decade that have spoken truth into culture? Tune in today to hear more about some behind the scenes stories from some great recent films. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Real Christianity with Dr. Bob Beltz Topic: Movies and Books |
Thu, 13 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio The life of William Wilberforce is still speaking today. What did Wilberforce have to say about the Church in the late 1700s and how does that relate to the American church today? Tune in today to hear more. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Real Christianity with Dr. Bob Beltz Topic: Movies and Books |
Wed, 12 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Dr. Bob Beltz wrote a great modern paraphrase of a book by William Wilberforce. We had the chance to interview Dr. Beltz recently. Tune in today to hear more about the message in this book. Tune in to the long format program on this topic: Real Christianity with Dr. Bob Beltz Topic: Movies and Books |
Tue, 11 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio We're continuing a conversation on why Presidents lie and get away with it. One specific example today on The Public Square® involves the current health care debate and the State of the Union address. Tune in today to hear more. Topic: Health Care Issues in America |
Mon, 10 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Why do Presidents lie? And why do reporters let Presidents get away with this? Tune in today to hear more on this conversation. Topic: Health Care Issues in America |
Fri, 7 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Why are we praying for Congress? And why is this so important? Tune in today to hear more about the 40 Days of Prayer for Congress. Topic: Article One |
Thu, 6 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Looking back on 25 years of this program, we're thankful for some really special interviews we have had the opportunity to do. Tune in as Dave and Wayne talk about two of them today on the program. Topic: 25th Anniversary Series |
Wed, 5 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio We are celebrating 25 years of The Public Square® this year! How did this program get started and who were some of the great minds who influenced this show? Tune in today to hear more. Topic: 25th Anniversary Series |
Tue, 4 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Did Meryl Streep get it right when she recently criticized Walt Disney? Tune in today to hear Dave Zanott's perspective on this. Topic: Duck Dynasty |
Mon, 3 February 2014
The Public Square® Recorded at Evergreen Communications, in Cleveland, Ohio Why is Obamacare like political play dough? Tune in today to hear more about how this law can be changed, altered, edited, or even repealed. Topic: Health Care Issues in America |